Perimenopause: The transition into menopause

With an ever‐accumulating body of knowledge about menopause has come the realization that the transition into menopause, specifically the perimenopausal period, is a process occurring over a period of years. We now know that the majority of women do not move from a time of regular menses to an abrupt cessation of menses. Rather, they experience perimenopause, a time of menstrual irregularity defined by changes in the length of the menstrual cycle and/or changes in level of discomfort associated with menses. We also know now that hormonal levels during the perimenopausal period may fluctuate more intensely, precipitating vasomotor and other symptoms. There is a tremendous need to educate women and their health care providers about the stages of the menopausal process. Such education will foster understanding of when women can expect the onset of perimenopausal symptoms. Health care providers should assist women with their questions and concerns as they move through this time of transition.