Gross and histological changes of rumen epithelium were observed in 4 steers fed a ration of pelleted, dehydrated alfalfa for 56 days. Steers, numbers 1 and 2, showed considerable keratinization and sloughing of the papillae from the rumen wall. The papillae of Steer 3 were clumped together and keratinized and the papillae of Steer 4 became inflamed but no encrustation was observed. Ruminal VFA absorption was estimated when the steers were fed alfalfa hay and 2 difference times when on the pelleted dehydrated alfalfa. After 8 weeks on the pelleted alfalfa the absorption of introduced quantities of VFA in 2 hours was 30, 63, 68 and 112% as great as the amount absorbed when Steers 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively were on the alfalfa hay ration.