Recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) given intrasplenically and intravenously for advanced malignant melanoma. A phase I and II study

Recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) was used to treat 31 patients with progressing metastatic malignant melanoma. Only three patients had disease confined to non-visceral sites; the median number of organ sites involved was four. The first dose of rIL-2 was given intrasplenically (to stimulate cytotoxic cells in high concentration) via a femoral artery catheter, and four further i.v. doses were given over 6 days. A total of three courses at 21-day intervals was planned. Doses were escalated in 15 patients from 1 x 10(6) to 16.4 x 10(4) Cetus units m-2. The maximum tolerated dose (11.0 x 10(6) U m-2) was used in the other 16 patients. Of the 71 courses, severe but transient toxicity requiring interruption of rIL-2 or additional care occurred on three courses (dyspnoea) and 15 from hypotension, but the patients' performance status improved. Four patients had partial tumour responses although in only one patient did response occur in all sites of disease. However, responses occurred in visceral sites and six patients are alive at 9-16 months. IL-2 is of use in advanced melanoma and does not need complicated ICU facilities.

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