Paracineta sp., an Epizoic Suctorian Found on Gulf of Maine Copepoda

SYNOPSIS. An epizoic suctorian from Gulf of Maine coastal waters, designated as Paracineta sp., is described. Morphological measurements are given for 23 small, medium, and large specimens. Mean length was 200 μ and average cell body diameter 39 μ. Of 21 copepod species and 19 zooplankton groups examined, only copepods of the genus Metridia showed any Paracineta attached. Suctorian occurrence was, with a single exception, limited to adult copepods, with the larger females showing the heaviest incidence. Differences in areal occurrence were observed with greatest incidence of Paracineta on M. lucens in the eastern and central Gulf, and lowest numbers in the western area. This differential occurrence is accredited to an apparent cold water affinity of the suctorian. It is suggested that Paracineta could be carried into the Gulf during periodic intrusions of cool Nova Scotian water, reaching the western area in the southwesterly flowing Gulf of Maine eddy system. No significant differences in vertical distribution were found in Paracineta incidence on Metridia among the depths sampled (0, 10, 30, and 60 m). No harmful effect of Paracineta on Metridia was evident.