Assay of Lactogenic Hormones Using Receptors Isolated from Rabbit Liver

Using 125-I-labelled ovine prolactin and receptors isolated from the livers of rabbits, a sensitive method has been developed suitable for the assay of ovine, bovine, porcine, human and rat prolactins. These hormones showed competitive displacement of 125-I-ovine prolactin which was in general agreement with their respective activities in the pigeon crop sac bioassay. Human and monkey growth hormones and human placental lactogen, which have marked prolactin-like actions on mammary tissue were also effective competitors. Non-primate growth hormones (ovine, bovine, equine and canine) which do not have prolactin-like activity gave little if any displacement as did human FSH, LH, TSH, ACTH and bovine insulin. Preparations of equine and canine prolactin of varying purity gave dose-response curves although their activity as competitors relative to ovine prolactin was poor and not related to their pigeon crop stimulating activity. This indicates species differences between prolactins in hormone-receptor interaction. Experiments with antiserum to human growth hormone have suggested an effective method of making the assay specific in species such as man in which prolactin is not the sole hormone with lactogenic activity.