Quantum efficiency requirements for an anaerobic photobioreactor

The effect of light intensity, surface area of illuminated bioreactor, H2S flow rate and various wavelength regions of light on oxidative sulfur metabolism byChlorobium was examined. The regulation of oxidative sulfur metabolism by light intensity led to the determination of the photobioreaction quantum efficiency (PQE) for this system. This efficiency is defined as the molecules of sulfur (So) produced per photon utilized and can be used in designing a light efficient photobioreactor. Included in our analysis of requirements for a light efficient photobioreactor is a summary of some fed-batch equations which can be used to model a productive path for the formation of sulfur duringChlorobium's photosynthesis. It is suggested that the incorporation of PQE and fed-batch formulae into expressions for wavelength dependent rates of photosynthetic product formation will lead to a more accurate mathematical model for anoxygenic as well as oxygenic photosynthesis.