Decay Chain Ca49-Sc49-Ti49

The decays of Ca49 and its daughter have been studied by beta- and gamma-ray scintillation spectroscopy. Ca49 was observed to decay with a half-life of 8.75±0.20 minutes, exciting gamma-ray transitions in Sc49 of 3.10±0.03, 4.05±0.05, and 4.68±0.05 Mev energy and relative intensities of 1.0, 0.11±.02, and 0.0038±0.0010. Two beta-ray groups were resolved from the Ca49 spectrum of energy 1.95±0.05 and 0.89±0.15 Mev. In agreement with previous work, Sc49 was found to be a pure beta emitter. The beta-ray energy of Sc49 was measured as 2.05±0.05 Mev, and the half-life was found to be 57.2±0.7 minutes. Spin assignments are proposed on the basis of the single-particle model.