Sexual reproduction was induced in the dinoflagellatePeridinium gatunenseNygaard when exponentially growing cells were inoculated into nitrogen deficient medium. Small thecate cells produced by division of vegetative cells then acted as gametes. Thecae of fusing gametes broke in the girdle region and were lost. Zygotes thus formed remained motile 3–5 days during which time they enlarged slightly with the newly formed theca becoming warty. Three to 5 days following plasmogamy the zygote became nonmotile, the protoplast contracted, and the cell wall thickened. Hypnozygotes with 4 nuclei were observedca.10–12 h following formation. Meiosis was inferred. Hypnozygotes germinated within 12 h of formation producing 2 vegetative cells which divided within a 24 h period. Attempts to induce sexual reproduction by inoculation of cells into media deficient in a number of basic elements other than N were unsuccessful.