The wave functions for the hydrogen atom are determined in the momentum representation, using momentum variables pr, pθ, pφ which are associated with the spherical polar variables r, t(=eiπcosθ) and v(eiφ). The functions may be written as {φn,l,m(pr,pθ,pφ)=αn,l(pr)βlm(pθ)δ(pφ+m),}{αn,l(pr)=nip03l+zΣk=0nl1{nl1}{k}2kl+1(2l+k+1)(2l+k)(l+k+2)ip0nprip0nl+k+2,}{βlm(pθ)=Σj=E(m2)E(l2)ajpθ(m+1)2Jj(m1)2(pθ),} where δ is the Dirac delta function and p0=Za01 (a0 is the Bohr radius). Jν(p0) are Bessel functions of integer or half-integer order. The radial functions...

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