X-Ray Study of the Nematic Phase and SmecticA1toSmecticà Phase Transition in Heptylphenyl Nitrobenzoloxybenzoate (DB7NO2)

We report a high-resolution x-ray study of the fluctuations in the nematic and smectic-A1 phases in heptylphenyl nitrobenzoloxybenzoate. As a function of decreasing temperature, the fluctuations evolve from an incommensurate region, through an intermediate region of coexisting (competing) incommensurate and smectic-C̃ fluctuations, to a region dominated by pretransitional smectic-à fluctuations which exhibit a phase-lockin smecticA1smecticà transition. This behavior directly confirms the current theoretical description of the smectic-à and smectic-C̃ phases as alternatives to the incommensurate phase.