The effect of temp. was tested on the eye colors carrot, maroon, and the combination carrot-maroon in Habrobracon; limited exps. also were made with the eye color cantaloup and with the body color lemon. The temp. ranged from 37.2[degree] C to around 15[degree] C (cool cellar room, temp. not exact). Except for cantaloup, which showed little if any change, the intensity of the eye colors varied directly with the temp., in contrast to that of body color (type, also lemon), which varied inversely with the temp. Carrot showed wide variation, from white at low temp. to a deep reddish carrot at high temp.; maroon showed less variation, from a bright red to a dark red or black; and the combination carrot-maroon showed still less variation, from white to a pale yellow. "White-eyed" carrot wasps (whc) were phenotypically like genetically white eyed (wh). The bright red of the maroons (ma) was similar to the deep reddish orange of the carrots (whc). Body color was detd. earlier in development than eye color.

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