We compare the concentration dependence of stage-1 package thicknesses for the intercalation compound families Lix C6 and Lix TiS2 in order to study the influence of host elastic properties on staging. In both families the data suggest that local host-layer distortions around isolated intercalates are important, an elastic model based on rigid layers giving a poor fit. The decay lengths for local distortions are 5 and 7 Å, respectively, for graphite and TiS2. We argue that a more concentrated strain field associated with the smaller decay length gives rise to a larger value of U0, the effective in-plane two-body attractive potential, for Li in graphite relative to TiS2. This in turn explains qualitatively why Lix C6 exhibits high stages at 300 K for various x while Lix TiS2 is restricted to stage 1.