Ischemic Heart Disease

This study evaluates interrelationships between carbohydrate and lipid metabolism during oral glucose tolerance tests (GTT) in 65 ischemic heart disease (IHD) males and 69 age-matched healthy controls (age range 45 to 69 years). The frequency of abnormal GTT, usually accompanied by type IV hyperlipoproteinemia, was significantly higher in IHD (37%) than in controls (19%). The mean immunoreactive insulin (IRI) response curve of IHD patients with abnormal GTT showed an elevated and delayed peak at 2 hours. The mean free fatty acid response curve of IHD patients had a significantly lower rebound at 3 hours. IHD patients and controls with abnormal GTT showed significantly higher and lagging lactate levels at 2 and 3 hours. Incidence of abnormal GTT was neither related to relative weight nor to elapsed time from onset of IHD to time of examination. Canonical correlations revealed that IRI is the common denominator in both carbohydrate and lipid abnormalities in IHD.