Studies on the Macronucleus of Paramecium aurelia. I. (with a note on Ultra‐violet Micrography).

SYNOPSIS. This is a description of structures seen in EM preparations of the macronucleus of Paramecium aurelia, using both starved and growing organisms, the latter at timed stages after fission. The effects of treatment with RNA‐ase, DNA‐ase and of the “silver‐Feulgen” reaction are described, and comparisons made between structures in the macronucleus and the micronucleus. The appearance of macronuclei in thin (2 μ) paraffin sections, stained by the Feulgen, azure A and pyroninmethyl green methods, and upon examination by ultra‐violet micrography, is also considered. From these observations it is concluded that the macronucleus contains a large number of structures, 0.5 μ in diameter, consisting of an outer RNA‐containing region and central elements containing DNA. These bodies, which are usually thought to be “nucleoli” by other workers, are now considered to be the most likely candidates for the genetic “sub‐nuclei” which have been postulated from genetic work.

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