The Liver Lesion in Q Fever

WE HAVE STUDIED two patients with a febrile illness whose clinical features resembled those of a primary disorder of the liver. One had frank jaundice; both had splenomegaly. We believe a report of these cases will be of general interest because each patient had serologic evidence of Q fever and each had a characteristic alteration of liver histology. In reviewing the literature on hepatic involvement in Q fever, we noted that reports by Gerstl et al,1 Picchi et al,2 Powell,3 and Gallaher4 mention lesions of the liver similar to those observed in our two patients. Of clinical interest is the observation that some patients with Q fever have symptoms and findings referable to the liver without any discernible disease of the lungs. Report of Cases Case 1. —A 41-year-old white woman was admitted to the Los Angeles County Hospital on Feb 2, 1960, because of fever and jaundice. In the