A Hadamard matrix of order n is an n by n matrix of 1’s and − 1’s such that HHt − nI. In such a matrix n is necessarily 1, 2 or a multiple of 4. Two Hadamard matrices H1 and H2 are called equivalent if there exist monomial matrices P, Q with PH1Q = H2. An automorphism of a Hadamard matrix H is an equivalence of the matrix to itself, i.e. a pair (P, Q) of monomial matrices such that PHQ = H. In other words, an automorphism of H is a permutation of its rows followed by multiplication of some rows by − 1, which leads to reordering of its columns and multiplication of some columns by − 1. The set of all automorphisms form a group under composition called the automorphism group (Aut H) of H. For a detailed study of the basic properties and applications of Hadamard matrices see, e.g. [1], [7, Chap. 14], [8].

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