Evaluation of a Kit (Thyrolute) for the Combined Determination of Serum Total Thyroxine and Sequential Free Thyroxine Index using Sephadex G-25 and 125I-thyroxine

A new kit (Thyrolute, Ames) for the combined determination of serum total thyroxine (T-4) and sequential free thyroxine index (F.T.I.) using Sephadex G-25 and 125I-thyroxine was evaluated in 136 patients and normal subjects. The T-4 determination was virtually identical to that used in the Ames Tetralute kit and had a similar accuracy and precision. The sequential F.T.I. was compared with a two-stage F.T.I. The two F.T.I.s showed highly significant correlations in the various groups of patients except euthyroid women with raised thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) (pregnant or oral contraceptive). The overlap found for the sequential F.T.I. between euthyroid, hypothyroid, and thyrotoxic patients was slightly inferior (9%) to that found with the two-stage F.T.I. (6%), but its diagnostic success rate was higher than that of the serum T-4 determination alone. Serial observations of serum T-4 and sequential F.T.I. were also made on eight patients receiving carbimazole therapy for hyperthyroidism. The sequential F.T.I. showed complete parallelism with serum T-4 regardless of thyroid status, so that it was of no practical value in these patients. It was concluded that the sequential F.T.I kit would be of most value in the smaller hospital laboratory lacking facilities for the radioimmunoassay of thyroid hormones and thyroid stimulating hormone.