The Formation of VOSO4 on the Surface of V2O5 in the Oxidation of SO2 as Studied by ESR

To obtain information on the arrangements of the VOSO4 phase in the surface layer of the V2O5 single crystal, the angular dependencies of an asymmetric ESR spectrum which has been found in the crystal under the conditions of SO2 oxidation and assigned to the VOSO4 phase were examined in detail. Two types of the angular dependency of the spectrum on the static magnetic field were clearly differentiated from each other. In the main spectrum, the direction of g⁄⁄ was completely consistent with the b-axis of the V2O5 crystal, while, on the other hand, in the minor spectrum, it took rather random orientations. From comparisons of the crystal structures between V2O5 and VOSO4, it was deduced, preliminarily, that the α-VOSO4 phase with a layer structure, was regularly aligned along the layer of the V2O5 lattice and that the β-VOSO4 phase without a layer structure took a relatively random orientation to the lattice.