Intraoral and oropharyngeal reconstruction using a de‐epithelialized forearm flap

We have used free forearm flaps for closure of various intraoral and oropharyngeal defects after radical ablation of tumors. A problem remained, however, in that split-thickness skin grafts required to close the forearm defect had to be obtained from other areas. To avoid this disadvantage, we de-epithelialized forearm flaps and the donor defects were closed with the split-thickness skin obtained from flap de-epithelialization. As a result of this procedure, unnecessary scarring has been avoided and postoperative management has been simplified. Such complications as flap loss, fistulae, or scar contracture have not occurred with greater frequency than is seen in normal circumstances. The de-epithelialized forearm flap procedure is explained. Histological findings concerning the de-epithelialized forearm flap are described, and the advantages of this method stated.

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