Massive Suprachoroidal Hemorrhage With Central Retinal Apposition

• We reviewed the charts of 18 patients diagnosed with a massive suprachoroidal hemorrhage (MSCH) with central retinal apposition (kissing configuration). Four cases occurred intraoperatively (expulsive), eight after a surgical procedure (delayed), and six associated with blunt or perforating injury (traumatic). In this study, echography was used to monitor the course of MSCH; the mean time for clot lysis was 14 days, and the mean duration of central retinal apposition was 15 days. The expulsive MSCHs were all allowed to resolve spontaneously, with good initial visual outcome in three of the four eyes in which they occurred. In the delayed MSCH group, the majority of patients attained their prehemorrhage visual acuity, with or without early surgical intervention. In the traumatic MSCH group, retinal detachment was a constant complication in all patients. All six patients in the traumatic MSCH group had a poor visual outcome, despite early surgical intervention in five patients. The results of this study suggest that not all MSCHs need to be drained surgically and that, when surgical drainage is indicated, echography may be a useful adjunct in determining the optimal time of drainage.