Utilization of the indirect lysosome targeting pathway by lysosome-associated membrane proteins (LAMPs) is influenced largely by the C-terminal residue of their GYXXФ targeting signals

A systematic study was conducted on the requirements at the C-terminal position for the targeting of LAMPs to lysosomes, examining the hypothesis that a bulky hydrophobic residue is required. Mutations deleting or replacing the C-terminal valine with G, A, C, L, I, M, K, F, Y, or W were constructed in a reporter protein consisting of the lumenal/extracellular domain of avian LAMP-1 fused to the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of LAMP-2b. The steady-state distribution of each mutant form in mouse L-cells was assessed by quantitative antibody binding assays and immunofluorescence microscopy; efficiency of internalization from the plasma membrane and delivery to the lysosome were also estimated. It is found that (a) only C-terminal V, L, I, M, and F mediated efficient targeting to lysosomes, demonstrating the importance hydrophobicity and an optimal size of the C-terminal residue in targeting; (b) efficiency of lysosomal targeting generally correlated with efficiency of internalization; and (c) mutant forms that did not target well to lysosomes showed unique distributions in cells rather than simply default accumulation in the plasma membrane. Interactions of the targeting signals with adaptor subunits were measured using a yeast two-hybrid assay. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that trafficking of LAMP forms in cells through the indirect pathway is determined by the affinities of their targeting signals, predominantly for the mu2 and mu3 adaptors involved at plasma membrane and endosomal cellular sorting sites, respectively.