Reassessment of Mycosphaerella spp. and their anamorphs occurring on Platanus

Several species of Mycosphaerella, some of which have been linked to cercosporoid anamorphs, have been described from Platanus. A reassessment of these species revealed several synonymies and incorrect anamorph-teleomorph connections. Mycosphaerella albocrustata (Schwein.) Crous & Corlett is recognized as an earlier name for Mycosphaerella platanifolia (Cooke) F.A. Wolf, a species with no known anamorph. Mycosphaerella stigmina-platani F.A. Wolf is shown to be the teleomorph of a new anamorph species, Xenostigmina wolfii, which has a Cercostigmina synanamorph. The latter synanamorph was previously confused with Cercospora platanicola Ellis & Everh., which has recently been placed in Pseudocercospora. Xenostigmina wolfii is known only from the United States and is distinguished from Stigmina platani (Fuckel) Sacc. and Stigmina platani-racemosae Dearn. & Barthol. by its mode of conidiogenesis, longer conidia, and Cercostigmina synanamorph.Key words: Mycosphaerella, Platanus, Stigmina, systematics.