Correlative Serologic Studies on Brucellosis and Leptospirosis in Cattle and Deer in Illinois

Illinois has experienced a population increase in white-tailed deer during the past 10 years. The first deer hunting season in 50 years took place in 1957 and afforded the opportunity to test deer sera for brucellosis and leptospirosis reactors. No reactors to Brucella antigen were found while 20% of the sera reacted to Leptospira antigens; 10.2% of the samples tested were positive to Leptospira pomona and 9.8% were positive to L. grippotyphosa. Reactors were found in 9 of 13 counties. L pomona reactors were found in cattle sera from all Illinois counties. While L. pomona was the major serotype found in livestock, L. grippotyphosa reactors among cattle sera were found in 23 counties.