The structure and function of songs emitted by southern green stink bugs from Brazil, Florida, Italy and Slovenia

Summary: Nezara viridula (L.) (Pentatomidae: Heteroptera) from Brazil, Florida, Italy and Slovenia, communicate by vibratory songs associated with long‐range calling and close‐range courting, rivalry and repelling. Each song is composed of spectrally and temporally different units. Spectrally different pulses of duration less than 300 ms are present in the male calling song. The female calling song is characterized by pulse trains composed of pulses shorter than 150 ms and pulse trains composed of a longer (> 700 ms) and shorter (< 250 ms) pulse. Shorter and longer pulses have different spectral characteristics. The male and female courtship songs are characterized by fusion of shorter (< 150 ms) pulses into a pulse train usually followed by a shorter (< 200 ms) postpulse in the case of the male courtship song. The female repelling song is a several seconds long vibration of irregular temporal structure. The short (< 400 ms) male rival song pulses are frequency modulated. The dominant frequency peaks of the songs investigated lie between 70 and 130 Hz. The dominant frequency and the microstructure of song spectra show no population specificity. The average duration varies more in calling than in courtship songs. The repetition time varies extensively in songs of different populations. Normal communication followed by copulation was observed between mates from Slovenia and Brazil and between mates from Florida and Italy. The potential role of different temporal and spectral parameters for species recognition and mate location is discussed in view of the expected distortion of the characteristic signal structure during transmission through plants.