While conducting a series of observations on the effect of intravenously injected emulsified fat on the emptying of the gallbladder of cats, we fortuitously encountered a case of pancreatic bladder. Although twenty-three cases of well defined pancreatic bladders have been recorded in the literature during the last twenty-three years, the anomaly is exceedingly rare; it appears only in the domestic cat. Since this is the first time an anomaly of this sort has been observed in our laboratory, and since its structure so satisfactorily supports the hypothesis of a pancreatic origin, we are including the description of the case in the slowly accumulating literature on aberrant pancreatic lobes and vesicles. Boyden1 (1925) not only described six new cases of the aberrant variation, but presented for the first time adequate histologic and embryologic data in support of the origin for pancreatic bladders wholly independent of the extrahepatic biliary system. Bean