Differential expression of the chicken Pax-1 and Pax-9 Gene: In situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analysis

We report the cloning, partial sequence analysis, and spatiotemporal expression of the chicken Pax1 (chPax1) and Pax9 (chPax9) gene, two closely related members of the paired box‐containing (PAX) gene family. The chPax1 gene encodes RNAs of 2.0 and 4.3 kb and a 42 kD protein while the gene products of chPax9 are represented by 1.9 and 3.1 kb transcripts and a 39 kD protein. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analyses reveal chPax1 expression in the developing pectoral girdle, in cells of the ventral part of sclerotomes, in sclerotome cells of the perichordal tube, and, later in development, in sclerotome‐derived cells of the intervertebral disks. Other chPax1 expression domains detected in the mesenchyme surrounding the atlas and axis and in chondrocytes of immature vertebral bodies, so far unreported for mouse Pax1, correlate with as yet unexplained malformations in the mouse Pax1 mutant undulated and Undulated‐short tail. Overlapping expression of chPax1 and chPax9 is detected in epithelial cells of the embryonic and adult thymus and in cells of the developing intervertebral disks. Unlike chPax1, however, chPax9 is not expressed in those perichordal sclerotome cells which are thought to give rise to vertebral bodies. Furthermore, chPax9 gene products are detected in circumscribed areas of mesenchyme in the metatarsus and in entodermal derivatives, i.e., in the lining epithelium of the developing pharynx and of the embryonic and adult esophagus. ©1995 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.