Identification of movement artefact by the Nellcor N-200 and N-3000 pulse oximeters

Objectives. The Nellcor N-3000 pulse oximeter is designed to be ableto identify signal artefact related to movement of the body part to which theprobe is attached. It may therefore provide a reliable means of monitoringarterial oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2) in awake, movingpatients. This study compared the Nellcor N-3000 and N-200 pulse oximeters interms of their ability to identify readings associated with movement, in agroup of volunteers making standardized movements. Methods. Thirty-sixvolunteers were studied. Volunteers breathed room air throughout the study.SpO2 of each volunteer was monitored by both a Nellcor N-200and a Nellcor N-3000 simultaneously on both hands. Volunteers made a seriesof five standardized movements, each lasting one minute, with each hand duringthe monitoring session, while SpO2 and oximeter status wererecorded from all four oximeters. The mean SpO2 reading wascalculated during each movement. SpO2 readings which theoximeter identified as being associated with movement, pulse search notlocked, sensor not attached, or break in communications were excluded fromanalysis. Results. The N-3000 rejected from 17 to 78% of readings takenduring movement, compared to 0 to 2% with the N-200. Although the remainingreadings of both types of oximeters were subject to some movement artefact,which led to spuriously low SpO2, this was significantly lesswith the N-3000. Conclusions. The Nellcor N-3000 pulse oximeter is able,to some extent, to identify movement artefact. It should offer an advantageover the N-200 when monitoring moving patients.