Factor Analysis of the NEO-PI and the Comrey Personality Scales

The 1985 version of the NEO-PI of Costa and McCrae and the Comrey Personality Scales were administered to a sample of 227 volunteers. The former was designed to measure the “Big Five” factors of personality, using single scales for the factors of Agreeableness and Conscientiousness, and six “facet scales” each to measure the factors of Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Openness. The Comrey Personality Scales consist of 40 personality subscales (FHIDs) that have been shown repeatedly to define eight major factors of personality. In this study, these 40 subscales, the CPS Response Bias Scale, the two NEO-PI single factor scales, the 18 NEO-PI facet scales, and sex were factor analyzed. All eight Comrey factors were clearly identified. NEO-PI scales Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Conscientiousness matched well with Comrey factors Emotional Stability, Extraversion, and Orderliness, respectively. NEO-PI Agreeableness was substantially related to two other Comrey factors, Trust and Empathy. NEO-PI Openness was identified as a separate ninth factor.

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