The charge-coupled device (CCD) camera of the Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) for the Japanese Solar-A Mission utilizes a 1024 X 1024 virtual phase CCD manufactured by Texas Instruments in Japan. This sensor will be subject to radiation in the form of trapped protons from the earth''s radiation belts and soft x-rays (0.2-4 keV) in the solar image. Proton damage produces ''dark spikes'' or pixels of enhanced dark current. This can be characterized in terms of the average increase in dark current as a function of proton fluence and predicted through proton transfer calculations. During the preparation of this camera it has been discovered that exposure to soft x-rays creates ''permanent'' ionization damage in the gate insulator, resulting in flat-band shift, dark current increase, loss of charge transfer efficiency, and, ultimately, total unpinning of the sensor. It has been found that ultra-violet, and to a lesser degree, visible-light flooding photo-emits free electrons into the gate oxide which ''anneals'' the damage, restoring proper operation of the CCD.