Hydrolysis of liquefied corn starch in a membrane reactor

The objective of this study was to develop a continuous hydrolysis process for the enzymatic saccharification of liquefied corn starch using a membrane reactor. A residence time distribution study confirmed that the membrane reactor could be modeled as a simple continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). Kinetic studies indicated that the continuous reactor operated in the first-order region with respect to substrate concentration at substrate concentrations greater than 200 g/L. At a residence time of 1 h and an enzyme concentration of 1 g/L, the maximum reaction velocity (Vm) was 3.86 g glucose/L min and the apparent Michaelis constant (K) was 562 g/L. The K value for the continuous reactor was 2–7 times greater than that obtained in a batch reactor. Kinetic data were fit to a model based on the Michaelis-Menten rate expression and the design equation for a CSTR. Application of the model at low reactor space times was successful. At space times of 6 min or less, the model predicted the reactor's performance reasonably well. Additional work on the detection and quantitation of reversion products formed by glucoamylase is required. Isolation, detection, and quantitation of reversion products by HPLC was difficult. Detailed analysis on the formation of these reversion products could lead to better reactor designs in the future.