SEVERAL investigators have reported on human responses to sounds of frequencies above 8,000 Hz. Belucci and Schneider1 employed frequencies of 25,000 and 62,500 Hz in their study of normal hearing individuals and found that audible sensations were produced when the probe was applied to skin of the head, neck, thorax, and limbs. In children with congenital hearing loss, if there was no evidence of cochlear and vestibular function, there was no perception of ultrasound. If some evidence of cochlear function was present, there also was some perception of ultrasound. The authors speculated that another method for testing very severe sensorineural hearing loss and for exploring the inner ear may have evolved from this study. Corso2 established curves of audibility for bone-conducted pure tones from 5 kc to 100 kc/sec for a group of 75 otologically normal young adults, aged 17 to 24 years. With the transducer applied to the