Episome-carried Surface Antigen K88 of Escherichia coli II. Isolation and Chemical Analysis

The K88 antigen was carried by episomal transfer to D282, a nonmotile Escherichia coli strain without K antigen. D250, obtained by this episomal transfer, was used for the extraction of K88 antigen. It was shown by the agar gel precipitation technique that some K88 antigen was released from D520 into suspending aqueous medium. The amount of liberated material was increased by gentle heating (60 C) or treatment in a Waring Blendor. The antigen was obtained from the extracts in a purified form by making use of Its insolubility between pH 3.5 and 5.5 and of its high sedimentation rate (S020,w = 36.7S). The homogeneity of the material was demonstrated by agar gel precipitation with D520 antlserum, by analytical ultra-centrifugation, and by moving-boundary electrophoresis. Chemical analysis revealed that K88 is a pure protein containing all the common amino acids with the exception of cysteine-cystine. Purified K88 selectively precipitated the K88 antibodies from D520 antlserum and was shown to be immunogenic in rabbits.