Hydrogen-induced phase separation in amorphousCu0.5Ti0.5alloys. I. Room-temperature experiments

The influence of hydrogen on the structure of an amorphous Cu0.5 Ti0.5 alloy has been studied by means of x-ray and neutron scattering. These experiments include large-angle x-ray and neutron scattering and small-angle neutron scattering with hydrogen-deuterium substitution. The results indicate that large hydrogen contents (hydrogen-to-metal ratio of 0.84) induce a phase separation into Cu and TiHx regions on a scale of about 1015 Å. Experiments on samples loaded with hydrogen by electrolysis or from the gas phase show that such a phase separation does not depend on the method of hydrogen loading. The results of a computer simulation with nearest-neighbor Cu-Ti permutations reproduce the main features of the diffraction data and confirm the large change of chemical ordering between Cu and Ti atoms upon hydrogen absorption.