Between 13 and 18 pairs of Teal successfully bred on the coastal peatland complex of Cors Fochno, Dyfed, during 1980–83. Nests located were all within 50 m of ditches, which were the subsequent feeding areas of broods. Clutches were started between 22 April and 19 May; mean clutch size was 9.25 (n = 10). A total of 74 eggs in eight clutches gave rise to 46 ducklings, and mean brood size for families less than 5 days old was 6.21 (n = 53). Of these 240 ducklings less than 5 days old from 53 broods, 151 fully fledged or attained adult size, a total mean brood size at this age of 3.80 (n = 45). Blocking of ditches on the site gave rise to deep linear pools with abundant emergent vegetation and was followed by a three- to four-fold increase in the number of nesting Teal.