Effects of complex transformations of feedback upon simple instrumental behavior.

This paper has described the effects of curvilinear transformations of feedback upon the behavior of turning a micrometer while blindfolded to achieve a certain numerical score. Parabolic equations of the general form Y = aXb were employed to convert each S''s true scores (X) into reported scores (Y). This procedure entailed manipulation of the factor of acceleration (positive vs. zero vs. negative), while holding constant both origin and goal intercept. Ninety-six Ss, divided equally into three experimental conditions, were differentiated as Group Minus (Y = X.25), Group Zero (Y = X1.0) and Group Plus (Y = X4.0). All Ss were given 20 practice trials to attain the goal score. In general, Group Zero (true information) showed superior accuracy throughout, followed by Group Plus and Group Minus in that order. The performances of 6roups Zero and Minus were characterized by a continuous approach to the target, while Group Plus exhibited a discontinuous approach. A tentative explanation of the role of feedback transformations in instrumental behavior was presented.

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