We review the dynamic patterns of cell behaviours in the marginal zone of amphibians with a focus on how the progressive nature and the geometry of these behaviours drive blastopore closure. Mediolateral cell intercalation behaviour and epithelial–mesenchymal transition are used in different combinations in several species of amphibian to generate a conserved pattern of circumblastoporal hoop stresses. Although these cell behaviours are quite different and involve different germ layers and tissue organization, they are expressed in similar patterns. They are expressed progressively along presumptive lateral–medial and anterior–posterior axes of the body plan in highly ordered geometries of functional significance in the context of the biomechanics of blastopore closure, thereby accounting for the production of similar patterns of circumblastoporal forces. It is not the nature of the cell behaviour alone, but the context, the biomechanical connectivity and spatial and temporal pattern of its expression that determine specificity of morphogenic output during gastrulation and blastopore closure. Understanding the patterning of these dynamic features of cell behaviour is important and will require analysis of signalling at much greater spatial and temporal resolution than that has been typical in the analysis of patterning tissue differentiation.