Coinfection with HIV‐1 and Simian Foamy Virus in West Central Africans

Frequent infection with zoonotic simian foamy virus (SFV) has been reported among HIV-negative primate hunters in rural Cameroon. Plasma samples obtained from urban commercial sex workers (CSWs; n = 139), patients with sexually transmitted diseases (n = 41), and blood donors (n = 179) in the Democratic Republic of Congo [formerly known as Zaire] and Cameroon were tested for SFV and HIV-1 infection. One CSW and one blood donor were found to be seropositive for both SFV and HIV-1, thereby documenting what are, to our knowledge, the first reported cases of dual SFV and HIV infection. The findings of the present study suggest opportunities for bloodborne and sexual transmission of SFV and highlight the importance of defining the clinical consequences of dual infections.