Cimetidine for duodenal ulceration in patients undergoing haemodialysis.

Peptic ulcer is a common problem in advanced renal failure, but most drugs for ulcers are hazardous in this condition. In a small open study cimetidine was given to nine patients with acid hypersecretion and endoscopically diagnosed duodenal ulceration who were undergoing haemodialysis. The patients obtained good pain relief and suffered no serious side effects. Both basal and stimulated acid output fell considerably and the plasma gastrin response to food increased during treatment. Two patients with recurrent vomiting during haemodialysis had a striking response to cimetidine, which suggested that such vomiting may be acid-mediated in some patients. These preliminary results suggest that cimetidine may prove to be an advance in the management of peptic ulcer in uraemic patients.