Distribution of Glycoconjugates during Cochlea Development: A Histochemical Study

Specific occurrence and distribution of glycoconjugates in the developing mouse cochlea was investigated using Alcian blue/PAS staining. The AB/PAS positive staining occurred intracellularly, extracellularly, pericellularly, and as glycocalyx. Pericellular staining occurred between certain epithelial cells in early stages of development, and extracellular deposit occurred mostly in mesenchymal tissue surrounding the cochlear duct and later in developing spiral ligament. During early stages of development, mesenchymal tissue and pericellular space of different epithelial cells of the cochlear duct were intensely stained, suggesting that these glycoconjugates may play an important role in the differentiation of the cochlear structures. Different supporting cells (e.g. Deiters' cells, pillar cells) were intensely stained at different development stages coinciding with the time when the subcomponents of the tectorial membrane (TM) were being formed. This finding suggests that glycoconjugates in the TM are produced by these cells.