Nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectra of human carbonic anhydrase B recorded in deuterium oxide reveal seven discrete single proton resonances between 7 and 9 ppm downfield from sodium 2,2-dimethyl-i-silapentane-5-sulfonate. Simplification of spectra by use of Fremy's salt, comparison of peak widths at intersections, and evaluation of the results of inhibition and modification experiments permit determination of the pH dependencies of these resonances. Five of these peaks change position with increasing pH; three move upfield by approximately 95 Hz and two move downfield by 10 and 23 Hz. The first three reflect residues with pK values of 7.23, 6.98, and 6 and can be assigned to the C-2 protons of histidines. The two remaining pH dependent resonances reflect groups with pK values of 8.2 and 8.24. Their line widths and T1 values are comparable to those of the first group, and they also appear to reflect C-H protons of histidines. Despite the structural and functional similarities of the B and C isozymes of human carbonic anhydrase, few of the low field resonances appear to be common to both. Six histidine C-2 protons are observed in the C enzyme and reflect groups with pK values of approximately 7.3, 6.5, 5.7, 6.6, 6.6, and 6.4. A seventh peak contains two protons and moves upfield with increasing pH without titrating. A final resonance to low field moves downfield with increasing pH and reflects a group with a pK between 6 and 7. Its behavior resembles that of peak 1 of the human B enzyme, and it also appears to be a histidine C-H proton. This peak may reflect a conserved residue in the two isozymes that plays an important role in enzymatic function, as discussed in the following paper.