To elucidate the biologic roles and further cytologic characteristics of the innermost cell (IMC) layer of the outer root sheath (ORS), human anagen hair follicles were ultrastructurally examined. In the lower follicle, the transeversely running tonofilaments in the inner side of the cytoplasm of the IMCs showed a massive accumulation, facing the keratinized part of a Huxley's cell protruding through a Henle's pore. In a rare instance, a spindle-shaped cell was seen between the IMC layer and the keratinized Henle's layer. At the lower isthmus portion, some of the IMCs containing a large number of tonofilaments showed a partial degeneration of the inner side of the cytoplasm. More distally, intercellular spaces between the keratinized IMCs and keratinized Henle's cells were partly dilated and contained amorphous substances. It is suggested that the IMCs in the lower follicle may play a role to support and cover the inner hair structures, tightly as hoops of a barrel. In the isthmus portion, the IMCs may loosely support and guide the keratinized Henle's cells undergoing degeneration.