Blood Cell Trauma and Postoperative Bleeding: Comparison of Bubble and Membrane Oxygenators and Observations on Coronary Suction

Blood cell trauma and postoperative bleeding were studied in 96 patients following coronary artery bypass grafting, with bubble oxygenator used in 47 cases and membrane oxygenator in 49. The haemocompatibility of membrane oxygenators was superior to that of the bubble type, as reflected by less haemolysis, better preservation of platelet function, less release of betathromboglobulin and less degranulation of neutrophil granulocytes. Coronary suction contributed to haemolysis, but did not affect platelet or granulocyte function. Fibrinolysis, postoperative blood loss and need for blood transfusion did not differ between the bubble and membrane oxygenator groups.