Rate of Propagation of Japanese B Encephalitis Virus in Hamster Kidney Cell Cultures.

Following inoculation of hamster kidney cell cultures with Japanese B encephalitis virus, virus content increases by geometric increment after a brief latent period and yields a maximum titer of virus usually of the order of 107 infective units per 0.1 ml of tissue culture fluid 72 to 96 hours following inocula tion. Infectivity of the tissue culture fluids then decreases during the next cytopathogenic activity of the virus. Further studies during the 69th to 75th hours following inoculation with JBE virus showed that the infected hamster kidney cell monolayer is capable of releasing infective virus to a titer of the order of 106.5 to 106.8 per 0.1 ml at hourly intervals. The practical and theoretical implications of these findings for further studies have been discussed.