Laparoscopic-assisted colon resection

The popularity and success of laparoscopic biliary tract surgery have persuaded surgeons to explore other applications for rigid endoscopic surgery. From July 1990 to February 1993 a total of 65 patients (mean age 57 years; range 41–82) underwent attempted laparoscopic colon resection. Indications for surgical intervention included cancer (39), adenomatous polyps (14), diverticulosis (10), stricture (1), and foreign-body perforation (1). A laparoscopic-assisted technique whereby the specimen was removed and the anastomosis was completed outside of the abdomen was used in all patients. A dilated umbilical opening was used for right-sided lesions and a left-lower-quadrant muscle-splitting incision for descending and sigmoid colon resections. Two patients required conversion to open laparotomy. There were no deaths and only four complications (pneumonia 1, urinary tract infection 1, prolonged ileus 1, and subfascial abscess 1). The mean postoperative stay was 4.4 days (range 3–8 days) and the average interval for return to normal activity was 8 days. Laparoscopic-assisted colon resection appears to be a safe and beneficial option for many patients with pathologic disorders of the large intestine. Future clinical trials are needed to fully determine the appropriateness of this procedure in patients with localized malignancies.