The Diagnostic Accuracy of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychologal Battery-Children's Revision for 9 to 12 Year Old Learning Disabled Children

The present study was designed to assess the diagnostic accuracy and discriminant validity of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision (LNNB-CR), comparing learning disabled and academically normal children. Two groups (learning disabled and normal) of fifteen children were administered the LNNB-CR and the WISC-R. Neuropsychological profiles were rated as normal, borderline, or abnormal. Abnormal or borderline profiles were considered indicative of a learning disability. These procedures proved to be 93.3 (p<.05) percent accurate in discriminating between groups. A priori F tests revealed that the Expressive Language (p<.01), Reading (p<.05), and Writing (p<.0001) subscales also discriminated between groups. The LNNB-CR may be an effective instrument in the diagnosis of learning disabilities. However, these results must first be verified with studies using larger samples. Implications for future research are discussed.

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