Study objectives: to measure the quality of secondary prevention of stroke provided to patients in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Design: retrospective case note analysis. Setting: 235 hospitals (95% of all such hospitals), providing care for acute stroke patients in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and primary health care for follow-up data. Patients: 8,200 patients admitted with stroke between 1st April and 30th June 2001. Data on up to 40 consecutive cases submitted by each hospital. Audit tool: Royal College of Physicians Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party Stroke Audit. Results: 24% of patients with previous cerebrovascular disease were not on anti-thrombotic medication at the time of admission. Nine percent of appropriate patients were not taking anti-thrombotic medication at discharge. Patients left with moderate to very severe disability (Barthel scores 14 or less) compared with those independent with mild disability (Barthel score 15–20) were more likely not to have anti-thrombotic treatment (18% versus 8%). Fifty-four percent of patients with known hyperlipidaemia and 21% of those with previous ischaemic heart disease were on lipid lowering therapy on admission. Sixty-four percent of patients had lipids measured during their hospital stay and of those with high total cholesterol or LDL the rate of non-treatment was 36%. Older patients (75+ years) were less likely to be treated (54%) than those Conclusions: major deficiencies in delivery of secondary prevention after stroke have been demonstrated. Services need reorganisation to prevent unnecessary mortality and morbidity in this group of patients.