The "dipolar" spin-lattice relaxation time in aluminum has been measured for temperatures between 1.3°K<T<295°K. In contrast to the Zeeman spin-lattice relaxation time T1z, the dipolar time does not vary linearly with 1T. This is interpreted in terms of cross relaxation between different groups of nuclear spins, some of which experience quadrupole interactions as a result of defects in the lattice, and others which are well removed from such defects. Both cross-relaxation and spin-lattice effects have been measured by our technique; a three-bath model of the nuclear-spin system permits a separation of these effects, with a true dipolar relaxation time T1dd related to T1z by δ=T1zT1dd=2.15±0.07, δ being independent of temperature. This enhancement of δ over the value 2.00 and the enhancement of the Korringa relation between T1z and K, the Knight shift, are discussed and compared with the predictions of the theory of Wolff in which the effects of electron-electron interactions are considered. A similar analysis in sodium is included for comparison, sodium being the metal to which the theory is best applicable.