Screening of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in blue mussels, marine and freshwater sediments in Denmark

The first screening of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in sediments and blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) collected in the Danish marine and freshwater environment is presented in this work. 10 marine and 6 freshwater sediments, together with blue mussels from 15 locations were analysed for PBDEs. The sum of 5 PBDE congeners (BDE47, BDE99, BDE100, BDE153, and BDE209) is in the range of 0.06–24.7 and 0.07–10.6 ng g−1 dry weight in marine and freshwater sediments, respectively. In blue mussels the sum of the 4 lower brominated congeners (BDE47, BDE99, BDE100, and BDE153) is in the range of 0.08–0.81 ng g−1 wet weight. The highest contamination with PBDEs are found in sediment and blue mussels close to populated areas. Generally, freshwater sediments contained higher levels of PBDEs compared to marine sediments, except for the high levels found in Copenhagen harbour. Ranking of the concentration of PBDEs in sediment from Denmark gives the following order: BDE209 ≫ BDE99 > BDE47 > BDE100 > BDE153. The congener pattern in the industrial product Bromkal 70-5DE is compared with the pattern found in sediment, blue mussels and fish from the Danish environment. The comparisons show that BDE47 is both bioconcentrated and biomagnified to a higher degree than any of the other congeners, whereas the amount of BDE99 decreases at higher trophic levels.

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