Heritability of milk yield at different environmental levels

Milk production records from 5740 first lactation Holstein-Friesian daughter-dam pairs were studied to determine if heritability was related to herd production level. Heritability from daughter-dam regression was essentially constant at 10 environmental levels based on either the dam's or daughter's herdmate deviation from season average yield. The heritability estimate over all levels of yield was 0·43 (with standard error 0·03) which is higher than most estimates. Estimates of heritability from paternal half-sib correlations for four environmental levels and based on data from 2568 daughters of A.I. sires generally increased as the herd production level increased. The highest half-sib estimate was 0·42 and the lowest 0·17. Daughter-dam estimates from the same data were essentially constant over the four herd levels.Total variation increased as herd level increased, in agreement with previous reports.Heritability was found not to differ between seasons of calving.