X-ray induced processes in SrTiO3

The x-ray induced visible luminescence of SrTiO3 has been studied in the range 15–300 °K. An apparently single-emission band at 500 nm has been observed whose efficiency abruptly decreases at ∼30 °K. This luminescence band is proposed to be intrinsic and associated with the decay of a relaxed Ti+3O−53 exciton. After 15 °K irradiation, a visible absorption spectrum which increases towards the infrared is produced and anneals out at ∼30 °K. It is suggested that the absorption is due to electron transition from a Ti+3 center to the conduction band, in accordance with recent ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy data. The thermoluminescence spectrum after 15 °K irradiation has also been determined. The first glow peak at 30 °K appears to correlate well with the thermal decay of the irradiation-induced absorption.